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The Rise of Biometrics Fraud in Brazil: 2023 Fraud Data Trends

As one of the largest digital identity providers in Brazil, Caf analyzes millions of transactions daily across a wide range of industries. Having access to this volume of data gives us great insight into fraud trends and the types of fraud attacks that are being committed against businesses and users.
Fraudsters are a sophisticated bunch; the stereotypical image of a teenager in a hoodie could not be further from the truth.
They use advanced tools – including AI – to launch intricate attacks. And they are always evolving and revising their methods to combat the latest defenses put in place by businesses. That’s why it’s imperative to know what types of attacks fraudsters are committing and the methods they are using to do so.

Caf is proud to share the following insights; as always we remain committed to helping businesses detect and stop fraud and provide great experiences for their customers.

The Rise of Biometrics Fraud in Brazil: 2023 Fraud Data Trends

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