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Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

User-friendly verification solutions that improve conversion rates and eliminate fraud

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Automate KYC/AML processes to comply with evolving regulations

As the popularity of fintech services increases, so too do customer expectations of instant, device-agnostic access to a range of innovative products and services - such as loans, digital payment options, remittances, and wealth management.

Enable your customers to quickly and easily sign up for and access your services with automated verification solutions that speed up KYC and onboarding while rooting our malicious users.

Authentication Services to Grow Your Business

Maximize conversions: Eliminate unnecessary friction and enhance the onboarding experience with Caf’s automated, accurate and user-friendly identity verification solutions.
Automate verification processes

Improve the customer experience rates by automatically approving legitimate consumers.

Regulatory compliance

Continuously monitor user activities for timely intervention and compliance with evolving KYC/AML requirements.

Enhanced productivity

Reduce the burden of manual reviews, and allow security teams to focus on core business activities.

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Read full case study

Caf Solutions for fintechs

Use Caf’s flexible orchestration layer to define and tweak advanced machine learning rule sets, so you can stay ahead of evolving threats.

User Onboarding

Integrated platform to provide optimal onboarding, with automated identity verification.

User Onboarding

ID Document Verification

Combine facematch, facial biometrics and a manual document verification to accurately authenticate users

ID Document Verification

Fraud Prevention

Combine multiple data points, such as email verification, biometrics, and document verification to assess risk.

Fraud Prevention

ID Verification - KYC

Combine document capture technology with trusted authoritative data sources and customizable rules.

ID Verification

Business Verification - KYB

Combine business onboarding technology with authoritative data sources, search rules and verification of UBO's.

Business Verification

Account Takeover Prevention

Choose complementary methods to accurately validate the user's identity in just mere seconds.

Account Takeover

How is Caf helping fintechs

Fast-track your business growth with more customer conversions, automated onboarding and superior security:
Faster, safer authentication
A flexible orchestration layer quickly creates identity and authentication workflows with data and biometrics. Caf can verify thousands of documents with accuracy to ensure superior background checks of users.
Single API
Optimal workflow orchestration with single API integration.
No-code platform
Ability to create customized onboarding flows in no time. 100% no-code.
Lower operational costs
Automated verification and approval process relieves security teams of the burden of manual reviews, enabling them to focus on more valuable activities.
Trusted technology
Caf’s proven biometric technology is iBeta certified, which means it can validate a large number of consumer identities and offer seamless onboarding.
Optimized user experience
Automated, accurate approvals reduce false positives and enhance the user experience.
Regulatory compliance
Comply with evolving local and global regulations with flexible, adaptable workflows that match your unique risk needs.
Augmented intelligence
Leverage intelligence from customers across the Caf network and global biometric database for improved risk decisioning and long-term protection against evolving threats.

Fulfill customer expectations and regulatory obligations with ease

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