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Take control of your Identity Management

Caf’s platform easily integrates into your tech stack and is fully customizable to fit your business needs

Talk to an expert

With Caf, you don’t have to worry about a lengthy vendor onboarding process or a complicated technology integration.

Powerful APIs

We use powerful APIs and SDKs for rapid onboarding, flexible workflows and real-time decisions

No-Code Protocol

Easily configure custom workflows using a no-code protocol that even non-technical employees can operate

Global support

Caf's flexible platform enables businesses to verify and onboard customers anywhere across the globe

Caf - Smart Capture

Smart Capture extracts relevant data for analysis, eliminating the need for users to fill in data. AI-powered automated document verification recognizes more than 11,000 documents in 248 countries and quickly identifies. It features the highest quality data readability and extraction capabilities, meaning users don’t have to spend time taking multiple photos of their documents.

  • Connect with APis, SDKs or web hosted channels
  • Automatically identify document type and extract data
  • Drive revenues with enhanced customer experience
Customize identity
Customize identity

Caf - Liveness

Requests a selfie from the user to ensure the person is “live” and taking the photo in real time. This feature helps companies fight fraudulent signups where stolen or compromised documents are used. Caf ensures the photo is genuine and taken in real time, and blocks users taking a photo of a picture.

  • Compare images against vast database
  • Reduce fraud and enhance UX
  • Protect user accounts

Caf No-code Workflow

Our no-code customer journey builder enables operators to optimize and build comprehensive, fully customized user onboarding experiences. It empowers even the non-technical staff to automate and optimize consumer journey to deliver exceptional user experience.

  • Deliver on-brand experience
  • Quickly respond to regulatory changes
  • Customize client interactions workflows
  • Deliver on-brand experience
  • Quickly respond to regulatory changes
  • Customize client interactions workflows
Customize identity

Related Caf solutions

Our technology can meet all of your global, end-to-end identity needs

User Onboarding

Integrated platform to provide optimal onboarding, with automated identity verification.

User Onboarding

ID Document Verification

Combine facematch, facial biometrics and a manual document verification to accurately authenticate users

ID Document Verification

Fraud Prevention

Combine multiple data points, such as email verification, biometrics, and document verification to assess risk.

Fraud Prevention

ID Verification - KYC

Combine document capture technology with trusted authoritative data sources and customizable rules.

ID Verification

Business Verification - KYB

Combine business onboarding technology with authoritative data sources, search rules and verification of UBO's.

Business Verification

Account Takeover Prevention

Choose complementary methods to accurately validate the user's identity in just mere seconds.

Account Takeover

Recommended assets

Learn more about Caf's Integrated Identity Solutions

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Explore other technologies

Flexible, Anywhere Integration

Simple, single API integration

Smart Suite - Document

Accurately verify identity documents

Identity Intelligence Center

Command center for ID management

Smart Suite - Intelligence

Accurately identify every user


An extra layer of user protection

Background Check

Root out bad actors

AML Transaction Monitoring

Stop all financial crimes

UBO Check

Onboard only legitimate businesses