Due to the floods affecting the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in recent days, many people have experienced severe hardship and are in need of assistance. Please consider donating to one of the organizations below that are on the ground helping the recovery efforts in Rio Grande do Sul.

Donate Below

The following organizations are helping families and individuals recover. Your donation will directly aid people in need.
Uma Casa Por Dia
Vale do Taquari - RS
The Uma Casa por Dia program aims to raise private funds to build and deliver houses to families in Vale do Taquari who have lost their homes due to floods and damage, providing them with a new, safe home, away from floodable areas.
Donations Via PIX:
[email protected]
Donate Here
CUFA em Ação
Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) is coordinating a vast humanitarian operation in Rio Grande do Sul, involving local leaders to face an emergency crisis affecting the region.
Donate here
RS Solidarity Campaign
Private initiative campaign, with fundraising for donations to institutions in affected cities to support victims.
The campaign is on the Vakinha website, and can be done via PIX or Card and accepting donations from other countries.
Donate here

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