Caf’s platform supports business data in more than 250 countries, including hard-to-reach tax havens.
Data from over 400corporate registries, 200 fully integrated international sanctions lists and 430 million credit reports.
Customized workflows so companies can offer personalized onboarding experiences.
Drastically simplify the identity document verification process to reduce time and manual work.
Built for an optimal user experience with intuitive, easy-to-use platform.
Increase onboarding rates and reduce new customer churn.
Because accurate and extensive data is so important, Caf offers our clients the most robust data sources available of any KYB solution on the market.
Take advantage of the most robust KYB database in the market, covering 250 countries and jurisdictions globally with data from over 400 corporate registries, 200 fully integrated international watch and sanctions lists, import-export lists, global UBO lists and 430 million credit reports.
Access government databases from countries around the world to gain the full insight into each clients’ ownership structure, financial status, registration and other relevant details in order to conduct due diligence on potential clients and partners.
Quickly obtain accurate
information regarding the ownership structure of new clients, including shareholders and directors, as well as the name and location of any company subsidiaries.
Trace ownership and influence through “single-click” beneficial ownership mapping.
UBO verification is integrated with KYC and document checks, eliminating the need for multiple vendors.
Comprehensive global company credit scoring includes full financials, recommended credit limits, court judgments, and payment history.
Seamlessly support suspicious activity reports withcourt-admissible source documents accessed instantly directly from the Caf KYB platform.